
"Fortitude developed a complete online presence for us, a complete new suite including website, product catalogue, social media feeds, integrated analytics, onsite training and ongoing advice and mentoring. Fantastic to deal with."

chris howard

Our full service digital team work with our clients to build, grow and keep a strong digital presence. We will work with you on all aspects of your presence from designing, developing and improving websites, brand awareness, social media, content marketing and organic promotion.

Your website is no longer only a simple static 'shop window' or something that provides information. Increasingly your website is a 'hub' for sales, support, news and general information for your customers linked to your backoffice systems for e-commerce and to your social media feeds for pull marketing.


Your position on search rankings can determine the level of business you generate both online and offline.

web design

We want to engage the people that visit your site and make them both remember and enjoy the experience.


We will work with you to design stunning and focused sites based on your goals and customer needs.

seo & social media

Sometimes just having a website may seem like enough, but imagine how your business could grow if your website was really working hard for you.


We can help improve your organic rankings and social media presence.


We can create and host online applications providing true resilience and flexibility within your team, from online helpdesk systems to holiday reservations systems - solutions that will help your business run more effectively, efficiently and profitably.